Try The Red Pill

(This FREE Listing Is An Early-Bird Opportunity And Can Only Be Guaranteed Through Midnight Tonight!)

 You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar 


The Secret To Solving Zig’s Famous Riddle For Yourself Is Agreeing To Shop Unfamiliar Businessesdisplaying And Take Credit For It.

-Lewis Scott Lewis



If You Are Interested In Seeing Yourself Winning For The Rest Of Your Life… It’s Important You Pay Close Attention To The Following Because It Directly Affects You.


There are Over 30,000,000 Small Business Owners, in America Alone Fighting to Get Your Attention And Over 258.3 Million Adult Consumers, Like You, Wanting What They Want As Well.


 That’s Who You Help and This Is How You Help Them…

Once You’ve Signed Up, The Use of an App or Website is Not Required.


This ‘Agreement’ Begins With Business Owners And Consumers At Home And Around The World. 

Dear Business Owner,



When ONEMOVEMENT® members walk into your business and make a First-Time Purchase…



They’re making a Conscious Decision to Fuel the Success of Your Business and Community.



Will You Reward Them with an Unadvertised Discount of 10% Off, a Special Surprise, or a Warm Heartfelt ‘Thank You’ As Your Way of Thanking Them for Choosing You?


If you said “Yes”… 


Display Your Personalized Paper Plate™ to let passers-by know…


You Support Them, ONEMOVEMENT®, and Your Local Community. 


Once You Sign Up There’s No App Or Website Required!


Dear Consumer, (Note: We Are All Consumers)



Are You An Advocate For Your Own Success? Of Course, You Are.


Are You An Advocate For The Success Of Your Community?


If You Said “Yes” to Either Question…


 Follow Steps 1 through 3 below to Represent Yourself, Your City, And Stand Together Like Never Before.


If You Said No…


Do Nothing. That’s How We Can Tell Each Other Apart.


Step 1


It’s Prosperity Worth Spreading®



Step 2


Whenever You Feel Like Winning.



 Step 3

Post Your Successes, Inspirations, And What You Bring To The Table Using The Hashtag #OMANDTHEPPP On Your Favorite Media Platforms.


Take Credit for Giving The People Of The World, An Advanced Business Model™ and Strategy Giving You A ‘Real Say’ In How The Future Unfolds For Us All.


The Why Is Simple… 


Life’s Better When YOU Win™


Press and Hold or Right Click The Paper Plate™ > Click Save Image. 

– Now, When You See Displayed By A Business

– Show Them Yours And Make A Purchase 

– Congratulations, You’ve Just Assumed Control, (Even If You Don’t Fully Understand Why!)

Lewis Scott Lewis Has Been Seen On…

ONEMOVEMENT’s Consumer’s Guide To The Economy™ Represents, THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SOLUTION OF THE CENTURY™ And It’s Backed With Mathematical Certainty.


Identify And Surround Yourself With Those Wanting To Support And Promote Your Success With As Much Enthusiasm As They Use To Support Their Own.


Say “Yes” And Occasionally Shop Unfamiliar Businesses™ displaying