The Consumer’s Guide To A Self-Sustaining Economy™

  The Paper Plate Project® Is The Red Pill.


 You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar 


This Utopian Playground Lays Right Outside Your Front Door And All You Have To Do To Solve Zig Ziglar’s Famous Riddle Is Associate ONEMOVEMENT® With What You May Be Currently Doing.


Occasionally Shop Unfamiliar Businessesdisplaying And You’ve Changed The Rules Of The World For You Forever.

ONEMOVEMENT® doesn’t get a dime of this. It’s an agreement, unlike any other, between you, business owners, CEOs, and consumers around the world. And it’s all possible without an app or a website which especially comes in handy if and when A.I. eventually takes over. (You’ll Already Know How To Function Off The Grid.)

There You Go. Doing That One Little Thing Will Have You Seeing Yourself Winning For The Rest Of Your Life. 

10x Your Power of Decision™ By Clicking The Button Below And Creating Your ‘Heroic Listing.’ You’re Also Gaining Lifetime Access For FREE. Represent Yourself, Your City, And What You Bring To The Table™ With ONEMOVEMENT® on

(Free ‘Heroic Listing’ Can Only Be Guaranteed Through Midnight Tonight And Once You’re In, You Can Come Back To Update You Listing At Anytime. Act Now And You’re In!)

  Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.


Do You Agree With That? We Do.


Over 30,000,000 Business Owners (In America Alone) are Dying to Get Your Attention in a Costly, Competitive, and Increasingly Crowded Marketplace. 


Over 219,000,000 adult consumers, in America alone? Are wanting to ‘Live The America Dream.’ Yours.


Now You Know… Business Owners and Consumers are Who You Help and This is How You Help Them to Solve Zig’s Famous Riddle for Themselves… 


by Sharing 


You begin Bringing Prosperity Home.™
To Your Home Where It Does The Best Good.



By Lewis Scott Lewis


This ‘Agreement’ Is Between You, Business Owners, CEOs And Consumers Around The World.


Dear Business Owner and CEO,



When members see your OM Paper Plate and walk into your business to make a First-Time Purchase


They’re making a Conscious Decision to Increase Your Sales, Profits, Repeat Paying Customers, And Get To Know You. 



Will You Reward Them with an Unadvertised Discount of 10% Off, a Special Surprise, or a Warm Heartfelt ‘Thank You’ As Your Way of Thanking Them for Choosing You?


 If you said “Yes”… 


Display Your Personalized Paper Plate™ to let passers-by know…


You Support Them, ONEMOVEMENT®, and Your Local Community.


Dear Consumer, (Note: We’re All Consumers)


 Are You An Advocate For Your Own Success And/Or Your Community?


If You Said “Yes”…


 Simply Follow Steps 1 through 3 below to Represent Yourself, Your City, And What You Bring To The Table


If You Said No…


Do Nothing. That’s How We Can Tell Each Other Apart.


Step 1



Step 2

displaying Whenever You Feel Like Winning.




 Step 3

Post Your Winning Experiences, Inspirations, And What You Bring To The Table Using The Hashtag #OMANDTHEPPP On Your Favorite Media Platforms So We Can Celebrate You.


Take Credit for Giving The Entire Small Business Industry And Yourself, An Advanced Business Strategy™ Giving You A ‘Real Say’ In How The Future Unfolds For Us All.

LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE: You Can Now Use Your Imagination and Creativity To Make This The Most Rewarding Economic and Humanitarian Movements In The History Of This Planet Created To Specifically Serve You. This Agreement Changes the Rules of the Business World Forever …Have Fun With It. You Have Assumed Control.

Unite Together to Thrive Together™ by Agreeing to occasionally visit a business you’re unfamiliar with displaying and make a purchase you’d normally make at a Chain Store you’re already aware of… Example: Lunch, Flowers, Haircut, Special Gift, etc… (We’re Not Boycotting Anyone.)

Take Credit for Bringing Prosperity Home™ to Your Home where it does the Best Good and See Yourself Winning for the Rest of Your Life as You Gain A Seat at the Big Table with ONEMOVEMENT® on

Be Yourself And Make This The Most Entertaining And Rewarding Spectacle The World Has Ever Witnessed.

Bringing Prosperity Home

  • The Local Multiplier Effect
  • – When you spend $100 at a local business, an average of $68 stays in the local community.
  • – In contrast, when you spend $100 at a chain store, an average of $43 stays in the local community.
  • – This means that shopping at a local business has a 58% higher local economic impact than shopping at a chain store.
  • – Local businesses also tend to create more jobs per dollar spent than chain stores, which can help support the local workforce.

It’s worth noting that these statistics can vary depending on the specific industry, location, and other factors. However, in general, supporting local businesses can have a positive impact on you, the local economy, and community.

 Also worth noting, intead of connecting you with the world, The Paper Plate Project® instantly begins CONNECTING THE WORLD WITH YOU®.

Socio-Economics 101

ONEMOVEMENT® Changes Their Narrative From What’s Important To Them, To What’s Important To You.




The Consumer’s Guide To The Economy

…A Bold New Adventure In Winning™

#OMANDTHEPPP / Contributing Authors: You, Me, And Us.

#1 Best Selling Author Lewis S. Lewis has been seen on…

Once You, Shop An Unfamiliar Business™ and Share, You’ve Solved Zig Ziglar’s Riddle, (Above.)

You’re Also Surrounding Yourself With Real People Looking To Support And Promote Your Success With The Same Amount Of Enthusiasm They Use To Support Their Own. For That Alone You’ll Be Rewarded For A Lifetime.

Could This Be…

The Socio-Economic Solution of the Century?

  • – (Share This Message.) Occasionally SHOP UNFAMILIAR BUSINESSESDisplaying 

  • – Get Rewarded Whenever You Choose To Shop

  • – Leverage Your Voice United™ United With ONEMOVEMENT® For A ‘Real Say’ In How The Future Unfolds For Us All 

Everyone knows you’re a lot more fun to be around when you’re winning all of the time and having your way. Add a Little Adventure Into Your LIfe By Playing The Ultimate Game of Winning™ because, Life’s Better When YOU Win™.

Warm Regards,


Lewis S. Lewis

#1 Best Selling Author
Founder and Director ONE
Your Prosperity Games