Lewis S. Lewis

I don’t believe your voice matters. I know it matters and I'm about to prove it to you. -LSL

From the desk of:
Lewis Scott Lewis


Dear Guest,


We are living through another Economic State of Emergency™ it will happen again, and again, and again unless you, me, and us lay the groundwork for a strong Self-Sustaining Economy™ you have the ability to control.

Hi, I’m Lewis Scott Lewis the founder and director of ONEMOVEMENT® on ONEMOVEMENT.com. I’m a pragmatist that wears his emotions on his sleeves.

I realized early on I don’t have to know you personally to know you’re a lot more fun to be around when you’re winning all the time. Am I right? 

I also realized If you’re in business for yourself or hold a C-level or Upper Management position. I don’t have to know your business model to know your wanting to increase your sales, profits, repeat paying customers, and loyal raving fans. Would you agree?

With that understanding you should also know about me is I’ve been doing behind the scenes research, since the complete collapse of the economy that occured in 2008 – 2009, to give you the Social-Economic Solution of the Century™ that nobody else has been willing to do.

You see… Following this complete economic collapse hundreds of millions of people instantly became uncertain of their financial futures. Millions were losing their homes, their careers, and their way of life due to no fault of their own. 

Notice any similarities to what’s taking place during this COVID-19 pandemic? I do.

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What got me started on this was I couldn’t understand why nobody was offering, we the people, an actionable solution capable of immediately turning around our economy, strengthening your community, and expanding your bank account at the same time.

The only thing in the media were the powers that be, at the time, pointing fingers at one another trying to assign blame.

If you’re anything like me, you realize blame doesn’t solve anything.

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ONEMOVEMENT® on ONEMOVEMENT.com out of necessity. To provide you with the resources, inspiration, and influence you need tilt the probability of your success in life, in your favor, indefinitely.

The way this is set up is. I give you the first solution to prove ONEMOVEMENT® means business when it comes to your success in life.

There is nothing to buy here…

This is a Gift from Me to You. It’s a Super Solution or Catalyst, if you will, Opening the Doors to Infinite New Solutions and Possibilities.

It’s a new way of seeing what’s right in front of you, it’s an olive branch to Firm Neutral Ground We Can All Stand On and Move Forward From Together.

I realize this may all sound like a ridiculous claim especially in a world often filled with hype and disappointment. It still does to me. Can you get 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 to equal ten? Did you notice you’ve never noticed you could do that before?

ONEMOVEMENT® on ONEMOVEMENT.com is just as Crazy Certain and Mathematically Simple at changing the way you see yourself winning for the rest of your life. 

Click here to get started now…

Join me and your ONEMOVEMENT® Community, in instantly laying the groundwork for a Self-Sustaining Economy™ you have the ability to control, regardless of where you are in the world.

That’s what this solution will do for you. It’s not an app or a particular website. It’s new information supported with mathematically certainty 

Everything you need to know to have a ‘Real Say’ in how the Future Unfolds for You, Me, and Us Because… Together We’re Powerful Beyond Measure™.

Click here to get started now…

Warm Regards,

Lewis Scott Lewis, MSU
Cheif Do-Gooder