Happy Dog Resort

pensacola dog grooming

 Welcome to Happy Dog Resort, where every pooch is pampered! Nestled in the heart of Pensacola, FL, our dog boarding facility provides a luxurious home away from home for your four-legged family members. Our highly qualified staff ensures that every aspect of your pet’s stay from Pensacola dog grooming to daily playtime – is handled with love and care. At Happy Dog Resort, dogs can enjoy spacious accommodations perfect for lounging and a plethora of activities that cater to their playful nature. We provide top-notch Pensacola dog daycare services where your pets can socialize with furry friends under careful supervision. For those looking to brush up on manners or learn new tricks, we also offer comprehensive Pensacola dog obedience training programs tailored to each pet’s needs. As a premier Pensacola pet resort, our goal is not only to meet but exceed the expectations of discerning pet parents who want the absolute best for their companions.

dog daycare
dog grooming
dog boarding
dog obedience training

Business Email: [email protected]

Business Phone: 850-304-0042

Business Address: 1401 W Cervantes St, Pensacola, FL, 32501